Spring 2017 Round Up: New Course, New Comics, New Reviews!

I'm teaching an 8 week course at The Loft Literary Center this Summer starting June 14th. As of this posting you can still sign up and join my class in exploring how comics work and how to write visual narratives. I'm thrilled to be part of The Loft community. If this is something you've been thinking of doing, consider doing it now! All pertinent info here.

Also, in some welcome, if belated, news, My comic The Nightstand was shortlisted for Best Web Comic for the 5th Annual Cartoonist Studio Prize. I was beyond flattered to be listed alongside Glynnis Fawkes, Lauren Weinstein and my friend Jess Ruliffson, amongst other remarkable talents. 

Here is a long overdue review round-up as well from my post SPX media frenzy. Kidding. I'm really conservative about sending out my books, just because the costs really add up. But I was reviewed by Robert Clough on High-Low Here and Jonn Seven for The Beat over Here.  I was also interviewed by Alenka Figa for Women Write About Comics. All those sites and writers are awesome resources that you should be checking out on the reg. Lots of good stuff.

I should add that my solo show Passport came and went at The McGuffey Art Center this past March. I got excited by the number of people who really seemed to get what I was trying to do. I am just now today scanning the last pages of the first installment of this long form auto-bio comic. I'm excited to have this part of the story which covers my life in Athens Greece as a child together and packaged in a book, but am also reminded as I wrap this phase of the project up how far I have to go. I'm excited and nervous, which is agreat place to be.